Admin 发布的文章

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Add network to keplr</title>
      input {width: 256px; padding: 5px}
      td {padding: 5px}
    <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="">
    <div style="max-width: 512px; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 100px">
      <table border="0">
          <td><input id="chainId" value="xxxChain"></td>
          <td><input id="rpc" value="http://ip:26657"></td>
          <td><input id="rest" value="http://ip:1317"></td>
          <td><input id="prefix" value="jolt"></td>
          <td><input id="coinDenom" value="VUSD"></td>
          <td><input id="coinDecimals" value="0"></td>
          <td><input id="gasPriceStep" value="0.01"></td>
          <td><input id="walletUrlForStaking" value="url"></td>
          <td><button onclick="submit()">Submit</button></td>
      submit = async () => {
        if (!keplr) {
          alert("Please install keplr extension"); return
        const prefix = document.getElementById('prefix').value
        const coinDenom = document.getElementById('coinDenom').value
        const coinDecimals = parseInt(document.getElementById('coinDecimals').value)
        const gasPriceStep = Number(document.getElementById('gasPriceStep').value)
        await keplr.experimentalSuggestChain({
          chainId: document.getElementById('chainId').value,
          chainName: document.getElementById('chainId').value,
          rpc: document.getElementById('rpc').value,
          rest: document.getElementById('rest').value,
          bip44: {
            coinType: 118,
          bech32Config: {
            bech32PrefixAccAddr: prefix,
            bech32PrefixAccPub: prefix + "pub",
            bech32PrefixValAddr: prefix + "valoper",
            bech32PrefixValPub: prefix + "valoperpub",
            bech32PrefixConsAddr: prefix + "valcons",
            bech32PrefixConsPub: prefix + "valconspub",
          currencies: [
              coinDenom: coinDenom,
              coinMinimalDenom: coinDenom,
              coinDecimals: coinDecimals
          feeCurrencies: [
              coinDenom: coinDenom, 
              coinMinimalDenom: coinDenom,
              coinDecimals: coinDecimals
          stakeCurrency: {
            coinDenom: coinDenom,
            coinMinimalDenom: coinDenom,
            coinDecimals: coinDecimals
          coinType: 118,
          gasPriceStep: { 
            low: gasPriceStep,
            average: gasPriceStep*2,
            high: gasPriceStep*3,
          walletUrlForStaking: document.getElementById('walletUrlForStaking').value

If you get this error it probably means you have too many function arguments, local variables or return values in your function.

Instead of declaring 6 local variables it declares a single local variable that is a struct holding the 6 variables. Here’s a snippet:

struct SlotInfo {
  uint originalSelectorSlotsLength;
  bytes32 selectorSlot;
  uint oldSelectorSlotsIndex;
  uint oldSelectorSlotIndex;
  bytes32 oldSelectorSlot;
  bool newSlot;
// Using the struct to avoid Stack too deep error
function diamondCut(bytes[] memory _diamondCut) public override {
  SlotInfo memory slot;
  slot.originalSelectorSlotsLength = $selectorSlotsLength; 
  ... code omitted 
  if(selectorSlotLength > 0) {
    slot.selectorSlot = $selectorSlots[selectorSlotsLength];
  ... code omitted for simplicity


  1. 根据nmv官网(的脚本安装nvm,例如

    curl -o- | bash



    运行 nvm -v 可查看版本号

  2. 用nvm命令行安装node:

    nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version
    nvm install 14.18.2 # or 16.3.0, 12.22.1, etc


    安装后查看版本,如果版本号不对,运行 nvm use node 使刚安装的版本生效。

  3. 安装完成后,运行 node -p process.arch 可以查看安装版本是x86还是ARM


  1. 运行ssh-keygen创建密钥对,可以一路默认值回车或者根据自身需求填写参数,然后就会在/Users/username/.ssh文件夹里生成id_rsaid_rsa.pub两个文件,文件名请勿做任何修改。这个密钥对不仅可以用在gitlab,也可以用在任何需要密钥对的地方
  2. id_rsa.pub里的内容黏贴到
  3. 这样就可以用git clone ssh_uri命令了,无需再输入账号密码